Schnauzer masterbreed

Schnauzer - s/p mini litter
2024-09-03 16:10:00
s/p mini litter
New mini litter was born from
next parents.

sad IntCh.Sasvári Fu Manchu
smiley IntCh.Silver Senator Reggae Rose

Details are in 2024.P. menu

5 weeks age puppies are available.

Schnauzer - Show news!
2024-08-31 16:58:00
Show news!
23-25. aug 2024. 3xIDS& TSPK
We love Agárd sows series anyway, we always come with more dogs,
but this year's heat and shadeless rings can hold you back
then looking forward to next year..... but we had successfull time
and it was beautiful we collected results.

Silver Senator Noble            Puppy I. Best Puppy
Own+handler: Ferge Zsuzsanna &Kónya Dániel
Silver Senator Monty Python 4xHPJ,2xBestJun,Jun.Yearw'24,BOB
Monty became a Hungaria Junior Champion title.
Silver Senator Kenshin    4xCAC,3xCACIB,Yearw'24,2xBOB,BOS
Kenny becaeme a Hungaria Champion title.
Own: Dienes László & Bezzeg Nikolett   handler: Starub Gréta
Ch.Silver Senator Big Boss    CAC
Own+ handler: Lovas Ancsa

Silver Senator My Sunshine 3xHPJ
Mizu became  a Hungaria Junior Champion title
Own: Silver Senator's
Silver Senator Dilraba        CAC
 Rüben became a Hungaria Champion
                                       & Hungaria Show Champion title
Own: Fülöp Andrea       handler: Krasznai Péter
Ch.Silver Senator Fifty Fifty CAC,Évgy'24,BOB
Own: Silver Senator's
Judged: Csépai István, Orcsik István ( Srb) Tibor Havelka (Sk) dr Sipos Márta (Srb)
Congratulations and thank you for coming and spending these 3 days together.
Schnauzer - New litter!
2024-03-30 16:09:00
New litter!
New mini litter were born for a next parents.
DOB:8th Feb.
The puppies are available.

sad Ch.Zenaches Miró-Jan
smiley IntCh. Silver Senator Hae Soo

Details of them in " 2024.N " menu.

They are sold

Schnauzer - Show news!
2024-02-16 15:37:00
Show news!
09.02.2024. Budapest
TSPK Clubshow'24.

Silver Senator Monty Python Very prom 1, Best Puppy
own: Silver Senator's
handler: Straub Gréta

Silver Senator Kenshin HPJ,Jun KLgy'24. Best Junior
own: Dienes László & Bezzeg Nikolett

IntCh.Silver Senator Jar Jar Binks CAC
own+handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Big Boss ResCAC
ownl+handler:Lovas Ancsa

Silver Senator Fifty Fifty  CAC
own: Silver Senator's
handler: Straub Gréta

IntCh. Silver Senator Reggae Rose  CAC, Klgy'24.
own: Silver Senator's
handler: Straub Gréta
Judge: István László (Hu)
Our kennel won Dog Couple 1. & Breeding Group 1. titles also!!
We were on a nice show with great gifts..
Thank you all!!
Schnauzer - Show news!
2024-02-16 14:42:00
Show news!
08-11.02. 2024.Budapest
When February it's FEHOVA Winter show coming...

Ch.Silver Senator Bonanza 3xCAC, 3xCACIB,BOB
Tacco becameel a Hungaria Show Champion titel.
own: Beder Krisztián & Sziágyi Nóra
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba 2xCAC,CACIB,Res.CACIB
own: KIss Judit
handler: Csupy Zsófi
Judges: dr Vadócz Éva,Spiriev Andrea,Rada István (Hu)

Champion of Champion show

Ch.Silver Senator Big Boss  Ch of Ch. 2 places
own+handler: Lovas Ancsa

Big thank you for a owners!!
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-12-17 18:56:00
Show news!
MSPDK Clubshow

Is the exhibition season already over or not?
The date for the outdoor exhibition is a really crazy idea,
but the intention of condolence is not the last thought also...
But only those who play can win.

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba Ex 1.CAC.MSPDK.
own: Kiss Judit                    Yearwinner23.BOB
handler: Csupy Zsófi             Res Best In Show
judged:l Ferenc Gröschl (Hu)

Big congratulations for a really nice results

Schnauzer - New breed dogv !
2023-11-06 17:37:00
New breed dogv !
I am happy to present one of the two female
giant schnauzers of Silver Senator kennel.

Probably they are our last giants......

Health tests are in progress, some of them already
finished and got excellent classification.

I hope that puppies could be born in 2024.

Silver Senator Yashanti
Schnauzer - New mini litter was born
2023-10-10 16:27:00
New mini litter was born
Salt/pepper mini litter was born from the next parents.

sad Ch. Jin Jan Vigdergaus (Izr)
smiley  IntCh. Silver Senator Wannabee

Details of tem in 2023.M. menu

the pupies are sold
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-10-08 20:45:00
Show news!
07.10.2023.Komárom 3xIDS
Saturday results:
Silver Senator Dilraba        E1,CAC,CACIB,BOB
own: Fülöp Andrea
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba    E1.CAC, ResCACIB
own: Kiss Judit
handler:Csupor Zsófi
Judged: Eoxaba Opris (DK)

HSPK. Yearwinner special show
Ch.Silver Senator Yuna Lim  E1.CAC, Yearw'23, BOS
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Reggae Rose E1.CAC
handler: Straub Gréta

Ch.Silver Senator Kalumba E1.CAC,Yearw'23,BOS,BOSBIS-3
own: Kiss Judit
handler Csupor Zsófi

Int.CH.Silver Senator Thirsa E1. CAC, Best Veteran
handler: Straub Gréta
Judged: Monika Skok (Hr)
Schnauzer - Show news!
2023-10-08 20:02:00
Show news!
06.10.2023 Komárom 3x IDS

This show place is not my favorite but we're there
every year  for something
Friday results

Silver Senator Yashanti  Ex1.CAC, CACIB, BOS
handler: Starub Gréta

Silver Senator Fuyao     Ex1,CAC, ResCACIB
handler: Straub Gréta

Judged:Dagmar Klein (Rou)